Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My baby is about to turn 1 year old. Only a month and 9 days away.

This is his birthday invitation. It has his pictures that I take each month showing how he is changing in chronological order. From in the womb to 10 months! On the back it has the date, time, RVSP, etc. I just can't believe what a big boy he is becoming!


Andrea said...

Hey, just stopping by from SITS. Cute pictures!

MrsM said...

Awww, cuteness! They grow so fast, it really is unbelievable. Our oldest is 5 now (an ocassion which made me call my best friend in the wee morning hours bawling hysterically), our little Baby Bug was just born what seems like yesterday (of course "yesterday" is now nearly 15 months ago) and we have another little one on the way. I'm sure that I will have this baby, take a nap, and the kids will all be grown and gone!

Such is motherhood right?

[P.S. I'm stopping by from SITS too!]