Thursday, February 26, 2009

Family Life

James is our first child. Of course as a first time parent I have every right and obligation to say that he is perfect in every way ;) I will start this by telling a little about us. William and I met while working at Lowe's in college. He a lumber associate, me a lumber cashier. Worked out well huh? As of December 8th we have been married for five years. Almost immediately after getting married we moved from Dekalb, IL to Colorado Springs, CO. William was in the National Guard and was called up to active duty. Thankfully he was stationed in Colorado, and not overseas. We spent almost 2 years there. We then found our first house in Rockford, IL where we both got jobs at Home Depot, William going to New Orleans for Katrina and me starting a new job and a new home by myself... ahh the life. We knew these were temporary jobs as we were both STILL in college. William for elementary education and myself for accounting. Then it all changed when my husband found a great job with the electrical company. We sold our house and moved to a tiny town. While in the transition stage we found out we were pregnant! Now we have a beautiful 9 month old son and are getting ready for our next move as William is almost done with his training and will be permently placed in June.

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