Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Test Kitchen

Yes, we are those paranoid first time parents that you read about. To make sure James isn't allergic to chocolate I made a smaller version of his birthday cake. I am really bad at halving recipes. They never seem to turn out right for me. So, I made a whole cake and a pan of cupcakes....just so that James could try 1 cupcake! Someday I will become successful in halving a recipe, today was just not that day. Don't worry it won't go to waste. William is taking it into work. Those guys will devour it in no time. Here are the results. (anyone want to teach me how to put pictures next to each other?)

I know you can barely see it, but the cutting board in this picture... William made it! He actually made 5 and we gave them for Christmas presents one year.

Yes, we were watching 101 Dalmations..

One more kid who likes chocolate... who would have known!

1 comment:

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

And who WOULDN'T love those cupcakes?! They look dee-licious!

Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day, and especially for the beautiful comments!